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Ranking Up in League of Legends – 5 Essential Tips To Follow

Even though plenty of League of Legends players play for fun, others want to dominate and reach the highest rank possible. Reaching Grand Master or Challenger is no easy task and requires a lot of patience, confidence, and skills. That’s why it’s no surprise that the majority of League of Legends players are in Bronze, Silver or Gold.

It goes without saying that those who play more usually get better results because they improve their skills. Nevertheless, there are different tips that players can implement and get much better results. Some are more interesting than others, so let’s go over some of the key tips to follow. 

Analyze your replays

The first of the League of Legends ranking tips that we’d like to include can be a bit boring. However, we can assure you that analyzing your replay can help you a lot, especially if you pay close attention to everything.

You do not have to watch the entire game (although it can help in some instances). Instead, it is better to skip to a part where you made a mistake and try to see what you could have done better. 

The only downside of this tip is that it takes time. Once you see all of the mistakes you’ve done and learn from them, however, you will realize that it was all worth it.

The usage of Second Wind and Doran’s Shield

One thing that does not get as much attention as it should is this deadly combination. Doran’s Shield and Second Wind are something that can allow any Champion to dominate the laning stage. This allows him to have the foundation for a strong early game and potentially snowball.

The reason why this combo works really well is because of how it works. Since it heals you when you are on lower HP, it can trick your opponent into thinking that he is winning the lane. The reality is, however, that he just allows you to regen more HP.

Enemies who do not know how to play against this combo will get very frustrated when they realize that they can’t do anything about it. If you have to play against it, however, you should try and be less aggressive.

Due to how it works, it is almost impossible to overcome it early on. As a result, you will just end up losing all of your mana trying to push an enemy away that can’t be killed. 

Unlike some of the other Doran’s items, the shield does not really scale later into the game. This means that it’s only useful early on. So, instead of trying to fight it, simply focus on your own game and try to make the most out of it. It’s not worth playing aggressively versus something that is so strong early on. 

Trading attacks isn’t always worth it

One of the ways to win the League of Legends laning stage is by harassing your opponent. Once you start doing it, he will likely want to fight back because no one likes taking damage for free. Although this is usually the right thing to do, there are many cases where trading hits isn’t always worth it.

When someone attacks you, he will attract the aggro of your creep wave. What this means is that the player will essentially push the wave into you, allowing you to farm in a safer position. If you decide to attack him back, however, you will do the same, so depending on the situation, it might be better to just tank that damage.

This League of Legends ranking tip is often forgotten, but it can help in lanes where one of the two champions clearly has an advantage. In fact, it is common for players to just walk up to the enemy champion just so they can bait the attack. 

When it comes down to tanking damage, however, you need to be smart about it. Don’t just stay there and soak up everything. Ideally, you should try to avoid taking more than a few hits because even this will be enough for the creep wave to push.

Focusing on bounties

One of the League of Legends changes from S10 was the introduction of bounties. They work similarly to those in Dota 2, meaning that players who have a lot of gold will receive a bounty. This means that if that champion dies, the one that kills it will receive a 300 gold bonus, which is almost 2x more.

While it is true that this should not be your main focus, trying to bring down opponents who have a bounty can do wonders. You can get your items much faster and bounce back in the game even if your team is down.

Speaking of bounties, it is also worth mentioning that you should try to protect your own. Whether it is you or someone on your team, it is important not to give away free kills because this gives your opponents the chance to bounce back.

Comfort picks 

With close to 170 champions to choose from, League of Legends is one of the most complex and diverse MOBAs in the world. No one can play all champions, and every single player excels with certain options. So, when talking about ranking up in League of Legends, it is very important to focus on your comfort picks.

Being a “one trick pony” is usually not a good idea because enemies can counter you fairly easily. Yet, those who have a few champions in their pool can always get something different that works in the given game. Even if that pick is not in the meta, players who know how to use a given champion can do wonders.

Using a champion that you are comfortable with will allow you to make better decisions. You should also know what to do in different situations and deal with your aggressive opponents.  Feel free to follow esports-news.info for more information about everything.

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